Who We Are
Americans For America is a nonprofit, nonpartisan citizens alliance based in Colorado and active throughout the United States with educational programs to uphold our nation’s free way of life.
Our Team
Americans For America chairman and president is former Senator John Andrews, bringing 45 years of experience in conservative organizing and the war of ideas.
Director of Training is John Guandolo. Outreach Director is Michael Hoehn. Coalitions Director is David Petteys. Board members are Kathleen Chandler and Jimmy Sengenberger.
What We Believe
Americans For America believes the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States embody truth and justice for this age, presenting America with exceptional opportunities and obligations on behalf of humanity.
We believe Western civilization and its Judeo-Christian heritage are worth defending against all enemies, especially Islamic supremacism.
We believe in freedom of religion for religions that believe in freedom – since as the Supreme Court has observed, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.
What We Do
Americans For America contracts for training courses to benefit law enforcement and citizenship seminars to benefit key influencers, in support of A4A’s core beliefs.
Partner-providers include Understanding the Threat, Alliance for Vigilance, ACT for America, Centennial Institute, and American Strategy Group.
How You Can Help
Americans For America is entirely funded by charitable donations from friends.
Because our team is all volunteers and overhead is covered gratis, every dollar of donations will directly support program activities as the donor may specify.
We invite you to join our Chairman’s Council as a sustaining donor.